

Water news you need to know

A collection of top water news from around California and the West compiled each weekday. Send any comments or article submissions to Foundation News & Publications Director Chris Bowman.

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Aquafornia news 2 News - Nevada

Removing lead cables from Lake Tahoe: It’s the mission of grassroots organizers

Emerald Bay is known for its beauty, with an island castle at its center, and an underwater state park full of sunken boats. But that’s not all that lies beneath the water’s surface. Two defunct, lead-clad telecommunications cables run across the mouth of the bay and along Tahoe’s southwestern shores. An ongoing court battle and investigation by the Wall Street Journal have brought the cables into the public eye. The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance has sued AT&T to have the cables removed, while competing studies by AT&T and WSJ resulted in drastically different findings on whether the lines pose any risk to the lake and its visitors.

Aquafornia news Los Angeles Times

Editorial: Let Californians vote on green constitutional amendment

California may be a leader in the fight against climate change, but the state is years, even decades, behind other states when it comes to granting environmental rights to its citizens. While a handful of other state constitutions, including those of New York and Pennsylvania, declare the people’s rights to clean air, water and a healthy environment, California’s does not. That could change as soon as November. Under a proposal moving through the Legislature, voters would decide whether to add one sentence to the state constitution’s Declaration of Rights: “The people shall have a right to clean air and water and a healthy environment.”

Aquafornia news ABC30 Fresno

New minor in Water Education at Fresno State

Fresno State is making waves in water education. The university announced on Tuesday that it’s offering a new minor. The course is part of a collaboration with the California Water Institute. It will focus on water from an agricultural point of view, as well as impacts on the environment and the effects on people and society throughout the Central Valley, the state, and the American West. This minor is unique because it requires students to take classes in several different departments and even other colleges at the university.

Aquafornia news The Conversation

Opinion: If plastic manufacturing goes up 10%, plastic pollution goes up 10% – and we’re set for a huge surge in production

In the two decades to 2019, global plastic production doubled. By 2040, plastic manufacturing and processing could consume as much as 20% of global oil production and use up 15% of the annual carbon emissions budget. Most of the plastic we make ends up as waste. As plastic manufacturers increase production, more and more of it will end up in our landfills, rivers and oceans. Plastic waste is set to triple by 2060. Producers often put the onus back on consumers by pointing to recycling schemes as a solution to plastic pollution. … Our new research found the relationship is direct – a 1% increase in plastic production leads to a 1% increase in plastic pollution, meaning unmanaged waste such as bottles in rivers and floating plastic in the oceans.
-Written by Kathryn Willis, Postdoctoral Researcher with CSIRO; Britta Denise Hardesty, Senior Principal Research Scientist, Oceans and Atmosphere, CSIRO; Katie Conlon, Researcher at Portland State University; and Win Cowger, Research Director at the Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research, University of California, Riverside.​

Aquafornia news U.S. Geological Survey

News release: Advanced quantitative precipitation information system enhances flood prediction in San Francisco Bay Area

In recently published research, a consortium of local, state, and federal agencies including USGS and NOAA introduces the Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information (AQPI) system, which aims to improve prediction and monitoring of precipitation, streamflow, and coastal flooding in the San Francisco Bay Area. Combining real-time observations with state-of-the-art modeling, AQPI represents a significant advancement in forecasting capability. Developed as a response to the urgent need for better water-management tools in California, this experimental system will bolster decision-making processes for communities vulnerable to extreme weather events. The Bay Area’s complex landscape, nestled between coastal mountain ranges, has long posed challenges for accurate precipitation monitoring.

Aquafornia news Los Angeles Times

Wednesday Top of the Scroll: California increases water allocation after wet winter, but fish protections limit pumping

With runoff from this year’s snow and rain boosting the levels of California’s reservoirs, state water managers on Tuesday announced plans to increase deliveries of supplies from the State Water Project to 40% of full allotments, up from 30% last month. The increased allocation, which had been widely expected, means that suppliers serving 27 million Californians, as well as some farming areas, will have substantially more water available to use and store this year. But the Department of Water Resources also said officials have had to limit pumping from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta this year because of environmental protections for native fish.

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Aquafornia news Ag Alert

Probation under SGMA will cost the region, farmers say

Farmers in the critically overdrafted Tulare Lake Subbasin in the San Joaquin Valley are bracing for escalating costs as state and local agencies assess fees on wells and groundwater pumped. For the first time, the California State Water Resources Control Board last week placed the subbasin on probationary status as part of regulations under the state’s landmark 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, or SGMA. … Kings County Farm Bureau Executive Director Dusty Ference said new state and local groundwater-related fees will impact farmers and communities. 

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Aquafornia news Public Policy Institute of California

Blog: What are baseflow droughts—and why should we care?

Last fall, UC Riverside’s Dr. Hoori Ajami co-authored a study looking at how long-term droughts are impacting river flows across the US. We asked Dr. Ajami and The Nature Conservancy’s lead river scientist, Dr. Bronwen Stanford, to tell us about the study and its implications. First, what is a “baseflow drought” and how is it distinct from a precipitation drought? Hoori Ajami: Water in a stream has two sources: precipitation and groundwater. “Baseflow” is groundwater’s contribution to a stream’s flow. We were specifically interested to see how a river’s baseflow changes after a precipitation drought. …”

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Aquafornia news CBS - Sacramento

What’s being done to save California salmon as populations continue to decline?

From the Sacramento River to the coast, salmon populations have struggled to survive, and fishing for salmon in California has been canceled for the second season in a row, marking the third season in the state’s history a fishing ban has been in place. The heart of the problem: dams and climate change. …  Steve Lindley, director of NOAA’s Fisheries Ecology Division at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, said the removal of dams from Oregon to Northern California on the Klamath will help with survival even if drought returns.   

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Aquafornia news The New York Times

Breaking down new rules about ‘forever chemicals’

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS, can be found in those items and hundreds of other household products. the chemicals have made their way into our showers, sinks and drinking glasses — a 2023 study detected PFAS in nearly half of the nation’s tap water. … For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is regulating PFAS. This month, the E.P.A. announced that it would require municipal water systems to remove six forever chemicals from tap water. Lisa Friedman, a reporter on the Climate desk at The New York Times, wrote about the new rules.

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Aquafornia news Mercury News

Opinion: Sites Reservoir project is huge boondoggle with harmful effects

When Californians voted for Proposition 1 in 2014, they had every reason to expect sound investments in climate-resilient water projects. And all but one of the projects selected to receive the proposition’s $2.7 billion in water supply funding fulfill those criteria.They replenish groundwater basins and enhance the storage capacity of existing reservoirs to better withstand droughts — benefits that are realized by all people across the state. Unfortunately, the one project that does not measure up — the Sites Reservoir Project — would be publicly funded to the tune of nearly $900 million. 
-Written by Max Gomberg, a former California State Water Resources Control Board climate adviser and a senior policy consultant and board member of the California Water Impact Network.

Aquafornia news SJV Water

Woodlake residents sue government entities over flood damage; glad to see progress on infrastructure projects

More than a year after floods devastated the small town of Woodlake in Tulare County, residents finally feel hopeful about the future thanks to new infrastructure projects and an ongoing lawsuit they are bringing against local governments and other agencies. In March of 2023, homes in northwest Woodlake were hit with floods after historic storms and snowpack brought a deluge onto the valley floor. It took many residents months and tens of thousands of dollars to repair their homes. Residents banded together and took legal action against what they said was a government failure to properly prepare and respond to the floods. 

Aquafornia news KCRW - Los Angeles

Listen: Clean air and water could become a fundamental right in CA

CA Assemblymember Isaac Bryan’s Green Amendment would ensure Californians have the right to clean air and water. Would it bring real changes?

Aquafornia news Washington Examiner

Arizona Democrats stray from abortion message and focus on water in rural areas

Arizona Democrats are looking to capture voters mindful of one resource that is sparse in the desert state: water. As political battles over abortion and the southern border hit close to home for some Arizonans, record-setting high-temperature summers and droughts worry many. Democrats look to rein in rural voters who have turned on the party by framing water as a “life or death” matter going into the 2024 elections. … In tandem, Mayes and Gov. Katie Hobbs (D-AZ) have cracked down on controversial farms that had unlimited access to the state’s limited groundwater supply. Last year, the pair ended a contract with a Saudi Arabian company, Fondomonte, that grew alfalfa in Arizona and then shipped the hay back to the Middle East. Under the contract from former Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, the company was given unlimited access to groundwater in Arizona.

Aquafornia news Delta Stewardship Council

Blog: Making every day Earth Day – Analyzing data with the National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis

Every year on April 22, we celebrate Earth Day, which originally started in the 1970s with a focus on recycling, using less electricity, and conserving water. Fast forward to today, Earth Day has become so much more and is everything from mitigating the impacts of climate change to environmental justice. For environmental scientists like me, doing research in various ecosystems on all sorts of species, every day can begin to feel like Earth Day. After all, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, we are doing everything we can to improve our corner of the world. 

Aquafornia news Mesa County

News release: County contributes $1 million to the Shoshone Water Rights

On April 23, during the administrative public hearing of the Board of Mesa County Commissioners, they approved a million-dollar contribution toward the permanent protection of the most senior, non-consumptive water right on the Colorado River — the Shoshone water rights. “Mesa County’s $1 million investment in the Shoshone water rights is not just a financial commitment, but a pledge to our community’s future,” said Bobbie Daniel, Chair of the Board of Mesa County Commissioners. “By safeguarding these rights, Mesa County ensures that the West Slope’s lifeblood — our beloved Colorado River — continues to sustain our families, farms, and natural habitats. …”

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Aquafornia news Fresno State News

News release: Fresno State makes waves in water education with new minor

Fresno State is introducing a groundbreaking new minor, in collaboration with the California Water Institute, focusing on multiple facets of the water industry for students to add to their educational plan. … This new water minor is designed for students who want to learn more about water systems in California, as well as those interested in water-related careers after graduation. The minor is open to all disciplines at Fresno State and allows students of any study background to learn more about the water management challenges that impact a reliable water supply.

Aquafornia news Natural Resources Defense Council

Blog: Protecting biodiversity means saving the bogs (and peatlands, swamps, marshes, fens…)

As it does every year, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) will be evaluating plant and animal species to determine which ones deserve federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. About half of the species chosen for analysis so far in 2024 have something in common: Their futures depend on the conservation of wetlands. A mere coincidence? Probably not. While wetlands cover just 6 percent of the earth’s land surface area, they provide habitat for a whopping 40 percent of plants and animals.  In all likelihood, we can expect this trend of wetland-dependent species coming under the protection of the Endangered Species Act to continue, predicts Amy McNamara, a freshwater ecosystems strategist for NRDC. But this, she says, “is something that we should work to avoid at all costs.” 

Aquafornia news Mercury News

Tuesday Top of the Scroll: Different type of atmospheric river saved state from drought

Atmospheric river storms are like punches in a boxing match. A flurry of weak ones are OK. But it’s best to avoid the big knockout blows. That’s exactly what happened in California this winter. Scientists say that from Oct. 1 to April 1, the state actually received more atmospheric rivers, the famous moisture-laden meteorological events that are critical to the water supply, than it did last year — 44 this winter compared to 31 last winter. But the intensity made all the difference. Statewide, California had just 2 strong atmospheric rivers this winter, compared with 7 last year. Many of the biggest this winter hit Washington and Oregon instead. The result was, for the most part, a remarkably, blissfully average rainy season for California. 3 were moderate and 7 were strong. This year, 26 were weak, 16 were moderate and 2 were strong.

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Aquafornia news The San Diego Union-Tribune

San Diego may scale back its ambitious Pure Water sewage-purification plans — or scrap some entirely

With San Diego more than half done with the first phase of its Pure Water sewage recycling system, city officials say they are considering major changes to how they will handle the second, larger phase. … Plans for the second phase, which were mostly put in place 13 years ago, could change significantly based on new state regulations and new information about how much purified water the city is projected to need. … But the city could abandon a plan to build the phase two purification plant on a vacant 17-acre site in Mission Valley, and plans to store purified water from that plant in either Lake Murray or the San Vicente Reservoir.

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